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PTC hosts information sharing sessions for Graduate Students from the World Maritime University and the MIT Sloan School of Management

APRIL 15, 2024

On March 19, 2024, Philippine Transmarine Carriers (PTC) facilitated a series of informative sessions tailored for graduate students from the World Maritime University (WMU) and the MIT Sloan School of Management. The sessions were designed to provide the students with an understanding of the diverse facets of the PTC Group's endeavors and its contributions to the Philippine maritime industry.

Serving as a platform for knowledge exchange and networking, the event brought together a cohort of 15 students enrolled in the Maritime Education and Training (MET) Program at WMU, accompanied by Professor Momoko Kitada, alongside four MIT students from Singapore, India, and Brazil. Meanwhile, the diverse WMU cohort hailed from different parts of the globe, including Belize, Ecuador, Georgia, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Namibia, Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, and the Philippines. Each participant brought a unique perspective shaped by their cultural backgrounds and maritime experiences.

MGEN Restituto Padilla Jr., PTCH Executive Director for Corporate Public Policy, Risks, and Sustainability, officially welcomed the students to PTC and extended the company's sincere appreciation for their visit. He commenced the sessions by delivering the corporate presentation, providing an overview of the Group's various business clusters and their pivotal initiatives.

PTC’s efforts in building a pipeline of quality talent were shared by Mr. Leslie Suntay, Head of Strategy at PTC Shipping and General Manager of PTC Japan. He shared some best practices for igniting enthusiasm among the younger generation about pursuing careers in the maritime sector, emphasizing the significance of talent acquisition, personal narratives of seafaring experiences, and the profound impact Filipino seafarers have on global trade and commerce.

Capt. Pol Haboc, Head of PHILCAMSAT & The MAST, then led a discussion on ensuring a maritime just transition. He emphasized the importance of continuous innovation in maritime learning to adapt to emerging challenges and technological advancements. He highlighted initiatives of PHILCAMSAT such as the Human Element, Leadership, and Management (HELM) program, Bridge Resource Management (BRIDGE), and the 2C Program, designed to equip Global Maritime Professionals with the skills and capabilities needed to navigate the future of shipping.

PTC’s Resiliency Improvement, Support, and Education (RISE) Program for Disaster Risk Reduction was introduced by its Program Head, Mr. Hector Brizuela. Focusing on resilience improvement, support, and education for seafarer communities, he outlined the program’s objectives, including training seafarers as certified first responders and master trainers in disaster risk reduction management (DRRM).

Lastly, Ms. Karen Avelino, PTC Executive Director of Business Development for Shipping and Senior Vice President of Cruise Operations, elaborated on the company’s initiatives in championing diversity, equity, and inclusion within shipping operations, citing its active involvement in organizations like Women in Maritime - Philippines (WIMAPHIL) and its role as the first Philippine supporter of the All Aboard Alliance. With 17 years of industry experience, she underscored the growing representation of women in the maritime across all ranks, from entry-level positions to high-ranking leadership roles. This shift, she emphasized, is cultivating a more diverse workforce and enriching decision-making processes.

The sessions culminated in an engaging open forum, providing participants with the opportunity to ask questions, share their insights, and engage in meaningful discussions with PTC’s industry experts and leaders. The day concluded with a social gathering, where students had the opportunity to unwind and engage in informal discussions, strengthening bonds across borders and cultures.

PTC Group CEO Gerardo Borromeo thanked the guests for their visit and emphasized the importance of leveraging the networking opportunities between WMU and MIT. He expressed optimism that the dialogues sparked during the sessions would contribute to finding solutions to industry challenges and foster avenues for growth and development.


PTC, Philippine Transmarine Carriers Inc., World Maritime University, WMU, MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Sloan School of Management, graduate students, knowledge exchange, networking, maritime industry, initiatives, diversity, equity, inclusion, Women in Maritime - Philippines, WIMAPHIL, All Aboard Alliance, talent acquisition, innovation, resiliency, disaster, risk reduction, leadership, management, career pathways, industry insights, global trade, cultural diversity, professional development

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