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The PTC Group honors Filipino Global Maritime Professionals for the Day of the Seafarer

JUNE 23, 2023

The PTC Group, led by PTC Inc. and Jebsen PTC, held a weeklong celebration of the Day of the Seafarer to pay tribute to the important role of global maritime professionals (GMPs) in international trade and in protecting our oceans and the environment.

Highlighting the important role of GMPs in protecting our oceans

"As the maritime sector continuously works towards making shipping more environmentally sound and sustainable, seafarers play an increasingly important role in helping to protect the health of our ocean and planet," said IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim in his Day of the Seafarer message. "Every day at sea, they help to enforce IMO’s environment-related treaties by implementing rules on garbage, and sewage, and air pollution prevention."

Supporting this year's theme of “MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on,” PTC's Family and Crew Relations (FCR) team conducted an online photo contest asking PTC and Jebsen PTC GMPs and their families to share how they serve as "Guardians of the Marine Environment and the Planet" through their everyday actions onboard and onshore.

They also posted their commitment to the planet at the #OceansWorthProtecting Board located at FMP Annex.

And to make this week extra special for PTC GMPs, special treats and surprises were prepared for all GMPs that visited PTC from June 19 to 23 including free snacks and refreshments, as well as a free haircut and massage.

To ensure that GMPs give priority to their overall well-being, Health Metrics, Inc. delivered a health talk while PTC Insurance and its partner Sun Life Grepa shared practical financial management tips.


PTC Group, Filipino, Global Maritime Professionals, Day of the Seafarer, Honors, Recognition, Appreciation, Celebration, Maritime Industry, Seafarers

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