PTC Ship Management, Inc. successfully held its Crew Conference on October 21, 2024, centered on the theme "Safety Through Knowledge." The conference brought together crew members currently serving and soon to be deployed across the PTCSMI fleet.
The event featured the following guest speakers: CE Alfred Haboc, QA and Program Director of PHILCAMSAT; Mr. Gian Pili and Mr. Abishek Iyer; Engr. Harold Lazaro; and Ms. Charmie Canotal. Additionally, PTCSMI Superintendents Capt. Godfrey Alonday Jr. and CE Eric Edgardo Bautista joined to share their expertise in ship management.
The speakers emphasized the importance of safety and how it can be enhanced through continuous learning and knowledge-sharing, reinforcing the crew's competence.
Topics covered in the conference included: (a) Port State Control Inspection, (b) ISM Code/Safety Refresher, (c) Leadership Onboard, (d) Bridge Navigational Equipment, and (e) Radio and Communications Updates.

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