The PTC Group held an advanced Day of the Seafarer celebration to honor its noble Global Maritime Professionals on Friday, June 24, 2022. In support of the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) theme for this year's event, "Your voyage, then and now, share your journey," PTC prepared special treats and activities at First Maritime Place Annex (FMPA) and Pilgrim to recognize the unique #SeafarerJourney of PTC and Jebsen PTC GMPs.

The day started with free coffee and donuts in the morning and Filipino snacks and refreshments in the afternoon for GMPs at FMPA and Pilgrim.

PTC Group associates were also treated to free taho courtesy of the Shipping Cluster's HR Team

To teach GMPs about disaster preparedness, Project Rise organized a Master of Disaster Board Game Tournament at FMPA. Josh McCarver and Capt. Stan Santiago of PTC's Social Infrastructure Platform - Pipeline Engagement Program (SIP-PEP) facilitated the tournament. Winning GMPs received Gcash prizes and their very own sets of the M.O.D. Board Game to take with them onboard and play with their fellow crew.

All visiting seafarers also went home with a goodie bag containing 5kgs. of Namnam Rice, books from PHILCAMSAT, special pens from PTCAT, and hand sanitizers from Health Metrics, Inc. The event was organized by PTC's Family and Crew Relations team.

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