Global Maritime Forum has announced the winners for its third annual Future Maritime Leaders essay competition. The competition asked the youth about their vision for the maritime sector in 2050 and the concrete actions that the industry needs to take within the next five years to make this a reality.
The winners include Criselle Angela David who served as Corporate Strategy Manager of PTC Holdings at the time of the competition. Criselle's essay discusses the rapid pace of technology adoption within the maritime industry and the need to plan for the educational needs and recruitment of the future seafarer. She adds that these men and women will need to be not only able-bodied but “able-skilled,” equipped with technological savviness to tackle the risks and challenges of working on advanced ships.
The winning essays will be presented at Global Maritime Forum’s Annual Summit happening from October 20 to 28. The summit brings together top decision-makers, thought leaders, and experts from across the maritime value chain, and represents an opportunity to rethink global seaborne trade and identify steps towards a cleaner, safer, and more resilient maritime industry.

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