Gerardo Borromeo facilitates industry leadership discussion with MARINA at CrewConnect Global 2021
NOV. 2021

" There is no progressive country in the world with a weak maritime industry. The future of our country lies on the development of our maritime industry for the economic progress of the Philippines".
VADM Robert Empedrad
M A R I N A A d m i n i s t r a t o r
Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad, MARINA Administrator, stressed the importance of MARINA's partnership with industry stakeholders in addressing EMSA audit findings as he spoke with PTC CEO Gerardo Borromeo on Day 3 of CrewConnect Global 2021 last November 24.

"We opened the EMSA findings to our stakeholders, involved them in workshops, and subjected our corrective actions to their feedback and inputs," explained VADM Empedrad. "Now we will come up with a primer, which is a product of the entire Philippine maritime industry, detailing a comprehensive strategic action plan to address the EMSA findings."
VADM Empedrad added that the plan includes making adjustments to how Filipino seafarers are trained. "MARINA will be deeply involved in the conduct of onboard training for seafarers, focusing on developing the competency of seafarers while continuing to work with maritime training institutions."
Mr. Borromeo echoed the Administrator's sentiments, saying that, "We recognize that future generations of maritime professionals have to be ableskilled. The more that we can be attuned to evolving technology then the technological divide will not be as wide and that will enable Filipinos to not only be maritime professionals but any kind of professional."
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